
How to Turn Risk into Reward: 5 Tips we Learned from Anida

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BPM projects live or die by their ability to get businesses back on track. But for large enterprises, with BPMS deeply entrenched in the corporate architecture, the existing system may not have the required agility to fight fire with fire. And whether it’s the economic downturn, increasing regulations, unprecedented demand for products or services, replacing the entire architecture is not an option.

So how did Anida address burning issues at lightning speed? Let’s take a look…


1.      Isolate the problem and maintain focus

Hit hard by the financial crisis, Spanish banking giant BBVA was challenged with an increasing number of repossessions. By choosing Bizagi over existing BBVA’s BPMS, we were able to isolate the problem and create a separate architecture designed with agility in mind.

The concept of creating a completely autonomous unit is not confined to large organizations but is equally applicable to any business with short-term, high risk challenges that need fast solutions to problems that happen overnight – whether as a result of sudden changes in regulation, compliance or the economy.


2.      … Don’t be afraid to take actions – even late on

Being truly business agile means constantly revisiting your plans and being open to change – even when it upsets the status quo. For example, the management team made an initial decision to admit assets through BPMS and leave the management of the real-estate to the new ERP system.

Halfway through the project, it became clear that there was a need for greater process driven control and traceability. The swift decision to implement this stage with BPMS rather than through ERP ultimately kept the project on track.


3.      Employ agile methodology

Avoiding traditional implementation stages (analysis, design, test, etc.) and utilising agile methods has many advantages: for example, mission-critical projects are delivered in weeks rather than months.

Pieces of the projects (processes or sub-processes) are implemented quickly then improved if necessary – work is broken into small chunks and the design is not considered complete before the work is started.


4.      Ensure that users recognize that every process is subject to improvement

Good BPM systems make changes easy – almost too easy –to make. But servicing every change request can easily destabilise the system; by delivering the process in key milestones and only embarking on changes once process stability was achieved (version 1.0), Anida created a blueprint for continuous improvement that is now replicated in other areas of the business.


5.      … But do respect what users have to say

Buy-in is essential to BPM success. By appointing Process Owners, Anida brought structure into the process improvement. Process Owners act as a central point for collecting the change feedback and ensure that even minor changes are aligned with the overall vision.



  • 12 admission processes were deployed in a matter of 19 weeks, 5 weeks shorter than expected
  • 42 processes automated supporting 591 activities in less than 24 months
  • Over 3,500 cases created monthly and 20% closed in the same period of time